Outside Water Meter Readings

Effective February 23, 2019 the following rules apply to reporting outside water meters for abatements.

Outside Water Meter Abatements

Request for abatements for outside meter usage shall be made in writing quarterly, in person, on your quarterly bill or the link below, in connection with the quarterly wastewater billing cycle to the Superintendent or Utility Billing Clerk.  A billing cycle shall be the 30 days in which the bill was sent and the payment due date.

Any readings received outside of that’s quarter’s billing cycle will not be eligible for an abatement.  Also, if the previous quarter was denied for being outside the abatement timeline, the next quarter will only be abated at ½ since it cannot be determined when the usage occurred.

To be eligible for an abatement, all water meters must measure in hcf and be approved by the Wastewater Superintendent.  Meters are available for purchase through the Superintendent.

Please report your Outside Meter Reading to:

Kelly Hare: khare@gardinermaine.com or 207-588-4070

Thank you!